Global Green



Protect and remediate the environment

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The Yungas

The Yungas

The Southern Andean Yungas begins in southern Bolivia and continues to the north of Argentina. It is a humid forest region between the drier Gran Chaco region to the east and the dry, high altitude Puna region to the west.

The Atlantic Forest

The Atlantic Forest

South American forest that extends along the Atlantic coast of Brazil from Rio Grande do Norte state in the northeast to Rio Grande do Sul state in the south and inland as far as Paraguay and the Misiones Province of Argentina, where the region is known as Selva Misionera. The project aims to reserve the native forest and its biodiversity, in addition to providing social development around the farm. It began in 2009.

You will be a member of this exclusive club of environmental heroes, guardians of the planet who protect it through positive engagement with nature.

You will receive periodic information about our actions. You will have access to exclusive material. You will receive an official membership certificate and much more.